From now on

Texte que j’avais écrit il y a 3 ou 4 ans.

From now on I my life I want to smile, smile, smile, to laugh, laugh, laugh.

I want to avoid judging, even if I can’t avoid being judged.

I want to travel the world and stop hiding behind my computer.

I want to communicate and speak much more than I do.

I know I will not get out of that alive so, as much as I can,  I want to cherish an enjoy every beautiful moment that is offered to me.

I want to always find time for the people I love even when the schedule is going crazy.

To be fearless and stop worrying about the future.

Stop being tolerant with the intolerants.

I want to keep on learning, loving, dancing, meditating, hiking, biking, swimming, moving, praying, and writing.

I want to stay focus on being healthy and wise.

I want to shine.

To forget the words stress, anxiety, and fear and replace them by confidence and self-assurance.

Because I am worth it and awesome, I should start to share my awesomesauceness with the world.

What do you want from now on in your life ?

Un commentaire sur « From now on »

  1. oui je me souviens de ce texte que tu avais écrit … ça sonne juste et beaucoup d’eau a coulé sous les ponts

    voyages, amour, partage, ouverture ! que de changements ! c’est toujours étrange de se relire des années plus tard, non

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